Donations for people in Ukraine
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, millions of people have been fleeing, most of them trying to cross the borders into neighbouring countries. The number of internally displaced persons is also growing day by day. The Ukrainian charity Caritas Spes is working with its staff and volunteers in more than thirty social centres to provide survival assistance to war-affected people and refugees.
- In the Caritas centres, people receive warm meals, blankets and a sheltered place to sleep.
- Food parcels, water canisters and hygiene items are distributed in emergency shelters and at central distribution points.
- Social workers and psychologists care for war-traumatised people, especially women and children.
Help that arrives 100%
Would you like to help the refugees and other war-affected people in Ukraine? By making a monetary donation to the Wilfried and Martha Ensinger Foundation, you can directly support the Caritas Spes social centres.
Our volunteer foundation board and local contacts ensure that your donation benefits the people who are in urgent need of humanitarian aid.
Our volunteer foundation board and local contacts ensure that your donation benefits the people who are in urgent need of humanitarian aid.
Donation account
Recipient: Wilfried and Martha Ensinger Stiftung
IBAN: DE67 6415 0020 0002 2363 39
BIC: SOLADES1TUB (Kreissparkasse Tübingen)
Reference: „Ukraine-Aktion“. Please add your address under the “Reason for payment” field of you require a donation receipt.